Getting to Know EarthCruiser Crew Member Chad Knight

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Meet Chad Knight

Pleased to introduce our Operations Manager, Chad Knight. Chad has been with the company for over two and half years. He is a 2006 graduate from OSU’s energy systems engineering program.  Chad joined the US Navy in 2003, where he spent 4 years as an Aviation Electronics Technician and worked on electronic weapons systems for the EA6B Prowler. He likes working for a company that puts the quality of their product, and quality of life of their employees, over their bottom line. He hopes to see the industry flourish here in America, as it has in Europe. And Chad’s goal at EarthCruiser is to increase manufacturing capacity while upholding the strictest of quality standards. He wants to create an environment where utility, technology, and innovation meld to create a one of a kind product revered worldwide.

Chad was born and raised in Veneta, Oregon. In his spare time, he enjoys playing golf, taking photography and spending most of the time with his wife and daughter. Chad would one day love to charter a sailboat in the Mediterranean. His dream vehicle would be a Cirrus Vision SF50. Some interesting facts most people don’t know about Chad are, he’s pretty good at building robots and the craziest thing he has ever done is spin training in a Cessna 152!

Now let’s get to the fun “what – if questions”!

Chad at EarthCruiser HQ


“What – If Questions”

If you had a superpower what would it be?

The ability to add more hours into a day, or to slow the passage of time.

What would you buy if you won the lottery?

A significant amount of real estate, and of course, an EXP.

If you could only eat and drink 1 item for the rest of your life what would it be?

Cottage cheese and cottage cheese.


Thank you for taking the time to meet an EarthCruiser Crew Member!


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